FORTINET FAD-VME Standard Bundle 5Y, FORTINET FortiADC-VME Standard Bundle 24x7 FortiCare plus IP Reputation and FortiADC WAF Security Service 5 Year

Manufacturer Fortinet Inc.
Manufacturer# FC-10-A0VME-976-02-60
Delivery time: 1-2 days
CHF 9168.00
CHF 8481.04 excl.
FortiGuard automatically updates and fine-tunes your security tools to advanced threat information every single day, all day long. FortiGuard researchers around the world proactively look for undiscovered vulnerabilities, analyze data collected from millions of sensors, and collaborate with industry agents as well as law enforcement to update the portfolio of Fortinet security solutions deployed globally. This common source of intelligence not only keeps individual Fortinet components updated, but also allows these tools to collaborate as a single security system.

Date added: 2020-04-23 08:13:03 / SID: 1906872 / DID: 3865767